We still have a long way to go but I am hopeful that we can build on what has already been achieved by some of the wonderful ladies who have shared their story, either in the national press or on TV or video.
It takes a lot to step forward and tell your story and these women are incredibly brave to do so, and I am proud of each one of them for doing so.
There is lots more being planned for 2015 so watch this space. Womb cancer is slowly coming out of the shadows of other female cancers and about time too.
There are far too many women who are being diagnosed who have never heard of womb cancer and that needs to change, and it is.
There are some very committed people out there who, along with WCSUK are determined to do all we can to raise the profile of womb cancer.
Please join us and make it your New Years resolution to help raise awareness with us.
xx Kaz xx