I guess many people would find it hard to see any positive side to cancer, especially those that have not been diagnosed. But for me, despite all the long term side effects of the treatment that I have to deal with on a day to day basis, I can say that there have been some wonderfully positive side effects to me being diagnosed with womb cancer at the end of 2009.
For a start, it has made me a stronger person. I believe that emotionally and mentally I am stronger and although I still get upset over things I am now able to deal with things in a more rational way.
I also don’t tolerate as much crap as I used to. That is one thing that has seemingly upset a lot of people because I will now stand up for myself and not allow myself to be used anymore. I was bought up to help people – if you had it in your power to be of use to someone or help someone out then you did. Trouble is, some people are all too good at taking advantage so I would find myself being expected to do things all the time. When I started saying no, people started getting a bit shirty and wondering what was up. Well, guess what – the doormat got up and walked away!!!
I’ve started putting myself first and doing more things for me rather than for the benefit of other people. That doesn’t make me selfish (although some people seem to think it does!!)
By far the most positive benefit of having cancer is the fact that I have had the honour of getting to know some very exceptional people. These people I would never have got to meet had we not all had the misfortune to having been diagnosed with cancer.
People who use their experience of cancer for good and want to make a difference and also people who just want to move on and forget cancer. Both sets of people are equally as inspirational and I am proud to know them.
So yes, cancer does have a positive side. It may only be a very small positive side for some people; you may not think there is one but if you look close enough you will find it there somewhere. Believe me, it’s there.
xx Kaz xx
I’ve always been a “glass half empty” kind of person. I tend to think about that could go wrong in any given situation, not because I think things are necessarily going to turn out bad but just because if they do go wrong then it’s not that bad a disappointment because it was expected. The way I see it, if you always think things are going to be great then sometimes you are going to be very disappointed. Whereas if I think that things are going to go wrong then most of the time I am going to be surprised that they didn’t! Do you see my logic in this? I hope so!!!